What Should You Know About Headaches?
There are several types of headaches, including migraine, tension, cluster, sinus, TMJ, and neck.
What Is the Medical Definition of Headache?
The medical definition of “headache” is pain in the head, which is located in the front, side, back of the head, and neck.
What Are the Most Common Types of Headaches?
Common types of headaches are migraine, tension, cluster, sinus, TMJ, and neck, and are the major reason that people miss school or work are headaches. Tension headaches are most common type of headaches, and migraines are the second most common cause. Most people consider tension headaches a combination of tension and migraine.
What Causes Headaches?
There are many different causes of headaches. Each type of common headache pain varies in intensity, location, for example, the top, back, or front of the head, and duration. Stress and anxiety may trigger some people's headaches, and some seem to have no apparent cause.
What Diseases Can Cause Headaches?
Many diseases and conditions can cause a headache, for example, brain tumors, cancer, TMJ, drug abuse, infections and dehydration (toxic headaches).
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Different Headaches?
Besides head and neck pain, other signs and symptoms that help diagnose types of headaches are the quality of the pain whether it is sharp, dull, constant, intermittent, or pounding. Other symptoms of headaches may include, dizziness, numbness or weakness, changes in vision, difficulty with balance, eye, ear, or facial pain, cold-like symptoms, fever, sensitivity to light or sound, and nausea and/or vomiting.
How Common Are Headaches?
Headaches are common and most people experience at least one in their lifetime; however, usually, they don’t have a serious cause. Headaches can affect anyone, of any race, socioeconomic status, age, and gender.
When Should Call a Doctor for a Headache?
Some types of headaches need emergency treatment. The symptoms and signs of headaches. Ultimately, the cause of the headache is the determining factor in deciding the best treatment.