What Should You Know about Cluster Headaches?
What is a Cluster Headache?
A cluster headache belongs to the primary headache classification system and is the most severe form of headache in this class. Cluster headaches are far less common than migraine or tension headaches.
What Causes Cluster Headaches?
Researchers don't know exactly what causes cluster headaches, and there are many theories as to the cause. Possible causes and triggers of cluster headaches are alcohol, smoking, genetics, and irregularities in sleep patterns.
Where Are the Signs and Symptoms of Cluster Headaches?
Cluster headaches begin far more dramatically, and remain quite unique in their course over time.
What Are the Types of Cluster Headaches?
You can get two types of cluster headaches, episodic, which are more common. This type is more common. You may have two or three headaches a day for about two months and not experience another headache for a year. The pattern then will repeat itself. The Chronic type of cluster headache symptoms are similar; however, in the chronic type, you have no period of untreated sustained relief.
Cluster headaches belong to the primary headache classification system, and are the most severe form of headache in this class.
How long do Cluster Headaches Last?
Cluster headaches begin far more dramatically, and remain quite unique in their course over time, and that has a clustering of painful attacks over a period of many weeks.
Who Gets Cluster Headaches?
More women than men suffer from migraines, and more men than women suffer from cluster headaches. Most people get their first cluster headache at the age of 25 years, although they may experience their first attacks any time from their teens to their early 50s.