Gerson therapy has not been proven effective against cancer; however, people tend to follow it for many reasons.
Gerson Therapy is a natural alternative treatment approach that claims to trigger the body's power to cure itself.
Dr. Max Gerson developed this in the 1930s as a metabolic therapy to cure chronic migraine. Though initially proposed to improve the body's healing properties, Gerson later employed this technique to treat diseases like tuberculosis and cancer.
Gerson believed that chronic diseases are caused by over-toxification of the body. They devised a diet, detox, and supplement program to process toxins and enhance immunity.
What Does the Gerson Diet Consist of?
Gerson therapy is also called:
- Gerson regimen
- Gerson method
- Gerson diet
Followers believe that dietary and nutrient changes can help treat cancer, and cancer is a major symptom of a larger problem.
Its goal is to cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system. By doing so, the body can return to its normal metabolic state and heal itself.
Gerson therapy has three main components:
- A strict organic vegetarian diet consisting of potassium-rich fruits and vegetables and low sodium. This includes drinking up to 13 glasses of fresh juice per day. This may help restore balance and clean the liver.
- Mineral and vitamin supplements and specific enzymes. Helps the body eliminate cancer cells.
- Enemas with castor oil or coffee. Up to five coffee enemas per day. They may help remove toxins from the liver and colon.
None of these claims are supported by scientific evidence.
How Does Gerson Therapy Work?
The Gerson diet promotes having raw fruit and vegetable-based juice. Supplements, such as potassium, are used to rebalance cell metabolism. Considering the challenges of the detoxification process, coffee enemas are often used to support the liver during the detoxification process.
Potential benefits of Gerson therapy
Plant-based diets have more fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than the usual Western diet high in processed foods.
Who Can Benefit From Gerson Therapy?
Although Gerson therapy could be helpful for people with degenerative diseases, it is not for everyone and is not meant to cure cancer. Some people could be too weak or far along in their condition for Gerson therapy to help them. Furthermore, it cannot guarantee that it will cure all diseases.
It is not suitable for people who cannot eat, drink or go to the restroom usually or who went through organ transplantation. Those who have had chemotherapy, diabetes, brain metastases, severe kidney damage, or foreign structures in their body, such as screws and plates, should not begin Gerson therapy without the supervision of a Gerson therapy practitioner.
Are There Any Downsides to Gerson Therapy?
Gerson therapy necessitates self-discipline and effort to maintain this new lifestyle and routine, which includes cooking and juicing at home throughout the day for at least two years or more.
There are a few side effects associated with Garson therapy, they include:
- Flu-like symptoms
- Lack of appetite
- Sweating with a foul odor
- Weakness
- Disorientation
- Cold sores
- Fever
- Blisters
- Tumor pain
- Intestinal cramps
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Coffee enemas lead to:
Is Gerson Therapy Effective to Treat Cancer?
Gerson therapy is not a recognized or effective cancer treatment. It should never be used in place of legitimate therapies, such as surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy.
Gerson treatment practitioners prescribe a particular diet that includes:
- High carbohydrate
- Vitamins
- Potassium
- Complete elimination of salt or fat
- Limit animal protein
- Exogenous digestive enzyme supplementation (injections of liver extracts)
- Coffee enemas cleanse the body and stimulate the metabolism
The present scientific evidence, however, does not support the use of Gerson to treat cancer. Some components, such as eating enough fruits and vegetables, might be beneficial if not overdone. Others, such as coffee enemas, could be toxic and inefficient, resulting in significant disease and occasionally death.
Toxin removal is a normal function of the liver and kidneys. Contrary to common perception, certain antioxidant supplements can raise the risk of death from cancer.
Doctors conducted massive, randomized studies to see whether anything can successfully cure cancer. No such research has ever been conducted on Gerson's treatment.
Why Are People Interested in Gerson Therapy for Cancer?
Though Gerson therapy has not been proven effective against cancer, people tend to follow it for many reasons.
- Hope to control the disease
- Cancer is not a disease that is cured with one mode of treatment. People tend to go to any lengths and would like to try all possible treatments to get better.
- Gerson therapy can cause significant complications for people and make them feel even worse.
- However, changes in diet may help prevent cancer, but there is no evidence that it destroys cancer cells.
- Want to have greater control
- Even though you always have control over your body, it reacts unusually and unexpectedly when with cancer.
- You will resort to other types of therapy to feel accomplished.
- It gives you a sense of control over your cancer and its treatment.
- This should not be overlooked because willpower goes a long way.
- Boost immunity
- Immunity is one of the many things that Gerson therapy may improve.
- This may help fight cancer, but no scientific proof exists to support this.
- Further studies are needed to establish if Gerson therapy works.
Gerson treatment has not been reported to effectively treat cancer, but it is believed to do so.
There are several reasons why you should think about it. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the healthiest things you can do. However, you must consider the potential consequences as well.
Image Source: iStock image
Gerson Therapy for Cancer.
Gerson Therapy (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version.