How Do I Calculate If I Am Pregnant?

A doctor showing a woman a pregnancy chart
Some people may have early pregnancy symptoms as early as 2 to 3 weeks after sexual intercourse, while others may experience them a few months into the pregnancy.

Pregnancy starts when a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, and symptoms may be detected in some people as early as a week after this occurs, usually about 2 to 3 weeks after sexual intercourse. Other people may have no signs other than a missed period until a few months into the pregnancy. 

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

  • Some people may be able to calculate they are pregnant by noticing early pregnancy symptoms, but the only way to know for sure if you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test
  • Pregnancy tests detect hormones that are biomarkers for pregnancy, such as the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone, which is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy and is only present during pregnancy. 
  • Pregnancy tests are most accurate when taken after a missed period. They are less accurate if not used correctly or if they are expired. 
  • Home pregnancy tests may be purchased over-the-counter (OTC) without a prescription in many places, such as a pharmacy, drugstore, grocery stores, and some convenience stores. Certain health clinics may also offer free tests. Home tests are usually urine tests.
  • Blood tests done by a healthcare professional are more accurate and can detect exact amounts of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone earlier and in smaller quantities, but they take more time to evaluate and are more expensive than home pregnancy urine tests. 
  • Without a pregnancy test, in many people, a missed period is the earliest sign that a person is pregnant. 

How to use this ovulation calculator

  • Pick a date on the calendar that matches the day you started your last period
  • The calendar will display your estimated ovulation date, marking it in red.
  • The days leading up to your ovulation date will appear marked in purple; those are the days you are likely the most fertile.
  • If you have records of how long your own menstrual cycle lasts, change the default number of 28 days in the dropdown menu in the results box for a more accurate calculation.

What Are Early Signs I Am Pregnant?

Common early signs of pregnancy include:

1. Implantation bleeding

  • Light vaginal bleeding or spotting occurs when a six to 12-day-old fertilized egg attaches to the inner lining of the uterus
  • Bleeding is light pinkish or brownish and is usually a little different in color than the normal menstrual period
  • Usually occurs close to the time of the next expected menstrual period
  • Lasts just one to three days
  • Not everyone has this symptom

2. Nausea/vomiting/morning sickness

  • Typically occurs about two to eight weeks after conception
  • Morning sickness occurs most commonly during the first trimester and then goes away, but some people can experience it throughout pregnancy 

3. Tender or swollen breasts

4. Tiredness/fatigue

5. Frequent urination

6. Headaches

7. Food cravings or food aversions

8. Mood swings caused by hormonal changes 

9. Darkening of the area around the nipples (areolas)

10. Backaches

  • Can occur in early pregnancy but are more common later, during weeks 27 to 34
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