An eye infection occurs when bacteria, viruses, or other agents infect the eye. Eye infection can affect the eyelids, cornea, and conjunctiva.
Most eye infections cause eyes to look red or pink. Additional symptoms of infection in the eye may look different depending on the type of infection.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis (“pink eye”) include:
- Eyes weep or ooze a gooey liquid
- Itching or burning eyes
- Eyes become stuck shut, especially when first waking up
Symptoms of inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) include:
- Pain, which can be mild to severe
- Tearing
- Eye discharge
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- In severe cases, the cornea may look gray or have white to gray areas
Symptoms of stye (“hordeolum”) include:
- A red and painful lump on the edge of the eyelid
- May look like a pimple
- Usually develops over a few days
- Tearing
- Eyelid pain and swelling
Symptoms of inflammation at the edge of the eyelids (blepharitis) include:
- Red, swollen, itchy eyelids
- Gritty or burning feeling in the eyes
- Crusty, matted eyelashes in the morning
- Flaking or scaling of eyelid skin
Symptoms of an open sore on the cornea (corneal ulcer) include:
- Severe eye pain and soreness
- Feeling something is in the eye
- Tearing
- Pus or other discharge
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Swelling of the eyelids
- White spot on the cornea that may be visible when looking in the mirror
Symptoms of inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye (uveitis) include:
- Eye pain
- Discomfort looking at bright lights
- Constricted pupil
- Blurred vision
- Floaters
What Causes Eye Infections?
The cause of eye infections depends on the type of infection.
- Causes of conjunctivitis (“pink eye”) include bacteria, viruses, allergic reactions, or other irritants
- Causes of keratitis include bacteria, viruses, eye injury, contaminated contact lenses, contact with contaminated water
- Causes of a stye include bacterial infection of the oil glands in the eyelids or the base of the eyelashes
- Causes of blepharitis include bacteria
- Causes of corneal ulcers include bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, dry eye syndrome, abrasions or burns, Bell’s palsy
- Causes of uveitis include injury, viruses such as herpes, or autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
Contact lens use can be a risk factor for some eye infections, including keratitis and corneal ulcers.
How Are Eye Infections Diagnosed?
Eye infections are usually diagnosed with a patient’s history and an examination of the eye with an ophthalmoscope, which is a lighted instrument used to examine the eye.
Other tests to diagnose eye infections may include:
- Examination of the eye with a slit lamp
- A special dye called fluorescein to light up and check for damage to the cornea
- Culture of pus or discharge coming from the eye
- Tissue sample to identify the infection
What Is the Treatment for Eye Infections?
Eye infections are mainly treated with medications.
Treatment for conjunctivitis includes:
- May go away on its own without treatment
- Some types of conjunctivitis can be treated
- Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria may be treated with antibiotic eye drops or gels
- Itching and irritation caused by other problems can be treated with eye drops used to treat allergies
Treatment for keratitis includes:
- Antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral eye drops
- Steroid eye drops
Treatment for stye includes:
- May go away on its own without treatment
- Warm, wet compress on the stye
- Do not squeeze or pop a stye
- Avoid wearing eye makeup or contact lenses until the stye is healed
- Antibiotic cream or ointment
- Draining the stye (done by a medical professional)
Treatment for blepharitis includes:
- Warm, wet pressure on the eyes
- Gently rub the eyelids after putting warm, wet pressure on the eyes
- Wash the eyelids with plain warm water or warm water with a drop of baby shampoo on a clean washcloth, gauze pad, or cotton swab to gently cleanse crusty material off the eyelashes and eyelids
- Antibiotic cream or ointment applied to the eyelids
- Oral antibiotics
- Topical steroids
Treatment for corneal ulcers includes:
- Antibiotic, antifungal, or antiviral eye drops
- Oral antifungal medicine
- Injections of medication near the eye
- Steroid eye drops (use of steroids is controversial as it may worsen infection)
- Anti-inflammatory eye drops
- Pain medication
- Corneal transplant in severe cases
Treatment for uveitis includes:
- Steroids
- Eye drops
- Injections into the eye (for posterior uveitis)
- Pills
- Eye drops for pain
- Other medicines to treat the uveitis or the condition causing it