What Is a Normal Blood Pressure Range by Age?

What Is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure test
Blood pressure is the pressure blood exerts on the arteries as the heart pumps. Blood pressure increases with age, but normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg or lower.

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries. 

Blood pressure is measured with two numbers.

  • The systolic blood pressure (the number on top) is the pressure caused when the heart contracts and pushes out the blood
  • The diastolic blood pressure (the number on the bottom) is the pressure when the heart relaxes and fills with blood between heartbeats

Blood pressure readings are reported as the systolic blood pressure number over the diastolic blood pressure number, such as 120/80 mmHg (“120 over 80”). 

What Is Normal Blood Pressure by Age? Adults and Children

Blood pressure ranges for adults are:

  • High: Systolic (top number) of 130 or above and/or diastolic (bottom number) of 80 or above
    • High Blood Pressure Stage 1: Systolic of 130-139 or diastolic of 80-89
    • High Blood Pressure Stage 2: Systolic of 140 or higher or diastolic 90 or higher
  • Elevated: Systolic (top number) between 120 and 129 and diastolic (bottom number) of 79 or below
  • Normal: Systolic (top number) of 119 or below and diastolic (bottom number) of 79 or below
  • Low: Systolic (top number) of less than 100 and/or diastolic (bottom number) of less than 60
    • Some people may have normal or asymptomatic blood pressures lower than 100/60
    • In people who have chronically elevated blood pressure (hypertension), symptoms of low blood pressure may occur at readings above 100/60
  • Hypertensive crisis: Systolic of 180 or higher and/or diastolic of 120 or higher
The normal Blood Pressure Ranges for Adults Chart
Blood Pressure Category Systolic mm Hg Diastolic mm Hg
Normal Less than 120 and Less than 80
Elevated 120 - 129 and Less than 80
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage I 130 - 139 or 80 - 89
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2 140 or Higher or  90 or higher

Hypertensive Crisis 

(Consult your doctor immediately)

Higher than 180 and/or Higher than 120

The normal blood pressure for adolescents 13 years or older is less than 120/80 mmHg. 

In younger children, the normal range for blood pressure is determined by the child's sex, age, and height. The normal range is expressed as a percentile, similar to charts used to track children's growth.

Blood pressure is separated into three categories based upon the child's blood pressure percentile:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension): Either systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure 95th percentile or greater measured on three or more separate occasions, or if blood pressure exceeds 130/80 mmHg.
  • Elevated blood pressure: Systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure is in the 90th percentile or greater, but less than the 95th percentile, or if blood pressure exceeds 120/80 mmHg (even if less than the 90th percentile for age, gender, and height).
  • Normal blood pressure: Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are less than 120/80 mmHg in adolescents 13 years or older and for younger children, blood pressure is less than the 90th percentile based on the child’s sex, age, and height
  • Low: There is no specific range for pediatric low blood pressure because of the variability of sizes and ages of children
The normal blood pressure range for Children Chart
Blood Pressure Category Systolic mm Hg Diastolic mm Hg
High blood pressure (hypertension) 130 or Higher or 80 or Higher
Elevated 120 or Higher or 80 or Higher
Normal Less than 120 and less than 80
Low No range or No range

High blood pressure

What Is Considered High Blood Pressure (Numbers)?

The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have recommended guidelines to define normal and high blood pressure (all values are in mm Hg).

Guidelines to define normal and high blood pressure stages chart
Hypertension stage Systolic (mm Hg) Diastolic (mm Hg)
Normal blood pressure < 120 < 80
Elevated blood pressure 120-129 < 80
Stage 1 hypertension 130-139 80-89
Stage 2 hypertension > 139 > 89
