Birth Control Methods
What Are the Types and Option of Birth Control?
Discuss your birth control needs and preferences with your health care provider. Many methods are available from your doctor and can be arranged for during an office visit. Some options, such as a diaphragm (used with spermicide) or a cervical cap (also used with spermicide), require fitting, which can also be done during an office visit. An intrauterine device (IUD) must be placed by a health care professional.
Examples of types and options of birth control include:
Continuous Abstinence
Natural Family Planning/Rhythm Method
- Barrier Methods
- Contraceptive Sponge
- Diaphragm, Cervical Cap, and Cervical Shield
- Female Condom
- Male Condom
Hormonal Methods
- Oral Contraceptives - Combined pill ("The pill")
- Oral Contraceptives - Progestin-only pill ("Mini-pill")
- The Patch
- Shot/Injection
- Vaginal Ring
Implantable Devices
- Implantable Rods
- Intrauterine Devices
Permanent Birth Control Methods
- Sterilization Implant
- Surgical Sterilization
Emergency Contraception
SOURCE: Birth Control Methods.