When Should I Worry About a Lump in My Armpit?

Woman checking her underarm area with hand
See a doctor if you have a lump in your armpit and the lump is accompanied by redness, pain, or fever; is very firm, does not go away, gets bigger, or you are female (may be a sign of breast cancer).

A lump in the armpit may appear as a bump or swelling under the arm and can have many different causes. 

The most frequent cause of a lump in the armpit is an enlarged lymph node, which is a part of the immune system that may swell if the body is fighting an infection. 

See a doctor if you have a lump in your armpit and the lump: 

  • Is accompanied by redness, pain, or fever 
  • Is very firm 
  • Does not go away
  • Gets bigger
  • You are female (may be a sign of breast cancer)

While a lump in the armpit can be a sign of cancer, it is not possible to diagnose cancer by touch alone. If you have a lump in your armpit and are at all concerned, talk to your doctor. 

What Causes a Lump in My Armpit?

A lump in the armpit can have many causes, such as: 

How Is a Lump in My Armpit Diagnosed?

The cause of a lump in the armpit is diagnosed with a patient history and physical examination of the area, which involves the doctor feeling the lump. Depending on the suspected cause of the lump, tests may include: 

What Is the Treatment for a Lump in My Armpit?

Treatment for a lump in the armpit depends on the cause. Often, lumps are benign and don’t need treatment. 

Treatment for a lump in the armpit due to infection may include antibiotics

Treatment for a lump in the armpit due to allergies may include: 

Treatment for a lump in the armpit due to hidradenitis suppurativa may include: 

  • Lifestyle modifications
  • Antibiotics
  • Acne treatments
  • Bleach bath
  • Biologics
  • Wound dressings
  • Surgery

Treatment for a lump in the armpit due to cancer will depend on the type of cancer and the stage and may include: 

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Targeted therapy
  • Surgery

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