Diving (SCUBA) Emergency Contacts

Diving Emergency Facilities Around the World

For diving-related emergencies, contact Divers Alert Network worldwide. They accept collect calls on the number listed below.


1-919-684-9111 (they accept Collect calls)

Note: At the time of article revision / update, the numbers listed below were considered to up to date and accurate. Recommendation is to use the Divers Alert Network number listed above.

Australia: within 1800-088200, outside +61-8-8212-9242

Belgium: Ostend 050-55-87-13, Brussels 02-262-22-82

Brazil 0800 684 9111

Canada: 416-340-4131, Divers Alert Network (DAN) 1-919-684-9111 (they accept Collect calls)

China +852-3611-7326

Europe: (DAN) +39-06-4211-8685

Germany: Kronshagen/Kiel 0431-54090 or Berlin +49-30-4551708

Japan: (DAN) +81-3-38124999

Korea (055) 549-0912

Latin America: (DAN) 919-684-9111 (accepts collect calls) or 919-684-4DAN (4326)

Italy: 39 06 49970424

Malta: Qormi 356-491972 or St. Julians 356-371849

Malaysia: (DAN) 05-930-4114

New Zealand: 0800-4DES 111

Philippines: (DAN) 02-815-9911

Singapore: (DAN) 6758-1733 (Naval Medicine & Hyperbaric Center)

Spain: 93-4331551

Southern Africa: (DAN) within 0800-020-111, outside +27-10-209-8112

United Kingdom:

  • England, Wales, or Northern Ireland: Call the Royal Navy Doctor at 07831-151523 (24 hours)
  •  Scotland - Call the on-call hyperbaric consultant at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary on 0845-408-6008 (24 hours) USA: (DAN) 919-684-8111 or 919-684-4326 (accepts collect calls)

Web Links

Diver's Alert Network, DAN Emergency Hotline

Diver's Alert Network Asia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, Southern Africa, DAN Asia and Pacific

Medically reviewed by John A. Daller, MD; American Board of Surgery with subspecialty certification in surgical critical care


Divers Alert Network.