Terms Used in Yoga
- Asana: a low physical impact posture practiced in yoga
- Aum: Sanskrit word meaning "all" represents the omnipresence of Paramatma (the supreme spirit)
- Chakra: a point of intersection of the main channels of energy flow in the body (Chakras regulate the functioning of the body and correspond to the major endocrine glands in the body.)
- Guru: teacher; spiritual preceptor
- Hatha yoga: the path of yoga that starts with the practice of asanas
- Karma yoga: the path of yoga that starts with emphasis on performing one's duty (action)
- Kundalini: latent energy lying dormant at the base of the spinal column
- Kundalini yoga: the path of yoga that starts with meditation
- Maharishi: a great sage
- Mudra: a seal; a sealing posture
- Nadi: a tubular organ of the subtle body through which the energy flows
- Nauli: a process in which the abdominal muscles and organs are made to move in a surging motion
- Patanjali: name of the first writer of the yoga philosophy
- Prana: breath; life; vitality
- Pranayama: the rhythmic regulation of breath
- Raja yoga: the path of yoga that starts with psychic control of the mind
- Rishi: an inspired sage
- Sadhana: quest
- Surya: the sun
- Yoga: union (The aim of yoga is to practice the means by which the human soul may be completely united with the supreme spirit.)
- Yogi: one who follows the path of yoga
Medically reviewed by John A. Daller, MD; American Board of Surgery with subspecialty certification in surgical critical care
United States. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. "Yoga for Health: An Introduction." Feb. 3, 2012. <http://nccam.nih.gov/health/yoga/introduction.htm>.
United States. National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. "Yoga for Health: An Introduction." Feb. 3, 2012. <http://nccam.nih.gov/health/yoga/introduction.htm>.