Ask a Doctor
I recently had a colonoscopy and the doctor collected some suspicious cells. It looks as if I have colon polyps, but the test results haven’t come back yet. I don’t know anything about colon cancer. How bad is it?
Doctor’s Response
Recovery from colon cancer depends on the extent of your disease before your surgery.
- If your tumor is limited to the inner layers of your colon, you can expect to live free of cancer recurrence five years or more 80%-95% of the time depending on how deeply the cancer was found to invade into the wall.
- If cancer has spread to your lymph nodes adjacent to the colon, the chance of living cancer free for five years is 30%-65% depending upon the depth of invasion of the primary tumor and the numbers of nodes found to have been invaded by colon cancer cells.
- If the cancer has already spread to other organs, the chance of living five years drops to 8%.
- If the cancer has reached your liver but no other organs, removing part of your liver may prolong your life with as many as 20%-40% of patients living cancer free for five years after such surgery.
American Cancer Society. "Colorectal Cancer Statistics, 2017." 2017. <>.
Cancer.Net. "Colorectal Cancer: Treatment Options." August 2017. <>.
"Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and staging of colorectal cancer"
"Overview of the management of primary colon cancer"
"Colorectal cancer: Epidemiology, risk factors, and protective factors"
Cancer.Net. "Colorectal Cancer: Treatment Options." August 2017. <>.
"Clinical presentation, diagnosis, and staging of colorectal cancer"
"Overview of the management of primary colon cancer"
"Colorectal cancer: Epidemiology, risk factors, and protective factors"